PD Opportunity on GSA Development and Sustainability

Last week we received information on an excellent professional development opportunity called “Creating and Supporting a Gay Straight Alliance: From Start to Sustainability”. This event, presented by Dr. Reece Malone (Education Program Coordinator) and Samara Luprypa (Youth Programs Coordinator) of the Rainbow Resource Centre, outlines the RRC’s ten most commonly asked questions on the GSA development and sustainability. It will be held on Friday, March 3, 2017 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Rainbow Resource Centre (170 Scott St., Winnipeg).

The cost for this event is only $20 and includes refreshments and lunch. You can register for this event by visiting your MTS MyProfile page and searching for it in the Events tab. There’s still time to get SRTA PD funding as well, and with the recently announced surplus funding, now’s a great time to get funded!

A PDf poster can be viewed by clicking this link.