2016 Women’s Issues Symposium

2016womensissuessumposiumOn February 28, 29 and March 1, 2016, the Manitoba Teachers’ Society is hosting the Canadian Teachers’ Federation Women’s Issues Symposium 2016, titled Social Justice Education at the Heart of Women’s Human Rights. Teachers are encouraged to register to, “[j]oin teacher leaders and classroom teachers at the amazing Canadian Museum for Human Rights as we explore the social justice issues that disproportionately affect women, dialogue around strategies to improve the status of women and girls, and honour the centennial of the first women to achieve right to vote!” The event will be held at the Victoria Inn and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg.

Confirmed guest speakers include:

  • Kate McInturff, Senior Researcher and Director of the Gender Equality and Public Policy initiative at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives;
  • Rosemary Sadlier, President of the Ontario Black History Society and one of the 12 Canadian Defenders for Human Rights of Speak Truth to Power Canada;
  • Dr. Dawn Harvard, President of the Native Women’s Association of Canada;
  • Barb Byers, Secretary-Treasurer of the Canadian Labour Congress;
  • Dr. Alex Wilson, Associate Professor and Academic Director of the Aboriginal Education Research Centre at the University of Saskatchewan.

Registration is $250 (plus taxes) with a January 28, 2016 deadline. For much more information, as well as the registration form, head over to the symposium website.