The Seine Scene June 2024 Newsletter
As the final day of the 2023-2024 school year rolls on, our parting words come in the form of the June 2024 edition of The Seine Scene!
In this issue, SRTA president Jonathan Waite expresses his gratitude for the work done by many SRTA members. Jenna Desilets, the outgoing SRTA Indigenous Education chair, offers an in-depth look into three books you might want to pick up in the summer months, and there are also SRTA updates about the SRTA executive, collective bargaining, benefits, wellness, and professional development. We’ve included image galleries from the SRTA Colleen Kachur Reico Memorial Golf event, as well as the SRSD Michael Slobodian Memorial Staff Volleyball night. We introduce you to this year’s retiring members and SRTA Education Scholarship recipients and provide some event updates from MTS. And once again, this issue is chock full of articles from SRTA members who have attended professional learning events since March with support from the SRTA Professional Development Fund.
You can view the newsletter online by clicking on the thumbnail image, or by accessing this direct link to the PDF (hosted on OneDrive).