The Seine Scene March 2023 Newsletter

We are pleased to bring you the March 2023 issue of the SRTA Newsletter The Seine Scene before the start of Spring Break!

This issue starts off with important information from SRTA President Jonathan Waite about the vote to make the SRTA president a full-time please position and on the SRTA/MTS position on the recently-announced Bill 35 – The Education Administration Amendment Act (Teacher Certification and Professional Conduct). It also includes a list of resources related to Indigenous education, a reminder about workplace safety and health, and information on how members can access the MTS Member & Family Assistance Program. We’ve packed this issue with news from MTS to ensure that SRTA members know what’s available to them, and an amazing fourteen SRTA members contribute articles related to professional activities they were able to take part in, thanks to support from the SRTA PD Fund. Finally, we ask SRTA members to “save the date” of April 20, 2023, for the next event in the Smash the Table speaker series!

Our Public Relations chair Shawna Gosselin was a busy bee filling this newsletter to the brim with useful and timely articles, and we thank her so much for putting in the time to create this issue.

You can view the newsletter online by clicking on the thumbnail image, or by accessing this direct link to the PDF (hosted on OneDrive).