The Seine Scene October 2022 Newsletter

All the leaves are brown, and the skies are grey, but The Seine Scene is bright and shiny and new, and ready for SRTA members to read!

In this issue, SRTA President Jonathan Waite provides information on the 2022 Welcome Back Trivia Night, updates the popular Commonly Asked Questions feature that was originally published in March 2018, and reminds members about extra-curricular recognition. The SRTA Executive has packed this edition with information about workplace safety and health, wellness, Indigenous education, employee benefits, and the SRTA PD Fund. There is also information from MTS on upcoming Pension Sustainability seminars and on the 2023 retirement of MTS President James Bedford. And our Professional Learning section rounds out the edition, with testimonials and summaries from eleven SRTA members. Once again, we can’t thank SRTA Public Relations Chair Shawna Gosselin enough for the work she does on this fantastic resource for members!

You can view the newsletter online by clicking on the thumbnail image, or by accessing this direct link to the PDF (hosted on OneDrive).