COVID-19 Planning – SRSD Staff Questions & Answers (March 17, 2020)
These questions and answers are intended to serve as a general response to a number of questions we have received to date. They will be reviewed and amended periodically to ensure the most updated and accurate information is available.
1. Am I expected to attend work during the period of March 23 to March 27 and April 6 to April 9? • Yes, the expectation as directed by the government is that staff will continue to be available and report to work based on your schedule from March 23 to March 27 and April 6 to April 9.
2. Will I be paid for the period of March 23 to March 27 and April 6 to April 9? • Yes, you will be paid during this period. You will be expected to be available to accept meaningful work during this period of time although the work assigned may be different from your regular duties. • We are currently working with our Principals/Supervisors to determine appropriate and meaningful work to perform during that period of time.
3. What if I am feeling unwell or exhibiting flu-like symptoms? • Please stay home if you are exhibiting flu-like symptoms. i. If you are not able to perform your duties, you will be eligible to use sick days (to the extent of your individual balance). ii. If you are able to work, please contact your Principal/Supervisor to discuss assignment of duties which you can perform from home.
4. I have a family member who has been directed to self-isolate, do I have to? • Please contact Health Link directly at (204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257). • At the present time it is our understanding self-isolation is not required in this scenario. However, we want to emphasize caution to all our employees and have them monitor the conditions of the person they have come into contact with. Should the symptoms change, please contact your Principal/Supervisor directly.
5. What if I have recently returned from international travel? • When returning to Canada, you are required as per Government directive to selfisolate for a period of 14 days from your return date. i. If you are unwell and unable to perform your duties, you will be eligible to use sick days (to the extent of your individual balance). ii. If you are able to work, please contact your Principal/Supervisor to discuss assignment of duties which you can perform from home.
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6. What will happen if I travel internationally as of March 17, 2020 or onward? • Effective immediately, employees are required to disclose to their supervisor if they are planning any international travel. • Upon return, you will be required as per Government directive to undergo a 14day period of self-isolation before you can return to work or enter any school division building. The period of self-isolation will be unpaid as you have voluntarily elected to travel when it is not recommended.
7. Will I be covered by insurance if I choose to travel? • For those who are covered under the Blue Cross plan, please click on the following link for additional information.
8. Can I bring my child to work? • You cannot bring your children to work during the period of March 23 to March 27 and April 6 to April 9
9. What if I am unable to attend work for reasons unrelated to illness or self-isolation? • If this is the situation, please contact your Principal/Supervisor to discuss. Generally speaking, it is the division’s intent to have meaningful work for you to perform in support of student learning. • The Division will review these requests on a case-by-case basis.
10. Do I have the option of taking a voluntary unpaid leave of absence during the period of March 23 to March 27 and April 6 to April 9? • Teachers, Custodians, Secretaries/Library Techs will not have this option. It is expected that you will continue to provide service in support of continued student learning. • For other staff, the division will consider this option on a case-by-case basis. Please contact your supervisor to express your interest. i. When considering these requests, the underlying criteria will be to ensure that all students needs are being met. If we determine that students needs would be compromised, your request may be denied.
11. What happens if I test positive for COVID-19 and are required to self-quarantine? • You will continue to be paid from your existing balance of sick days (to the extent of your individual balance)