News from MTS: Regional Meetings, Provincial Executive, and AGM 2018

We have three very important messages to pass along from our friends at the Manitoba Teachers’ Society.

First on the list is an important series of meeting taking place across the province. From the MTS website:

MTS President Norm Gould will be touring the province over the next two months to meet members and gather information on a number of critical issues.

“It’s important that our members be heard on some of the recent, far-reaching issues that will have an impact on their profession and the public school system,” Gould said.

Among the issues to be discussed are Bill 28 (which, if enacted, would freeze teacher salaries for two years and limit them for another two), French education and initiatives involving literacy and numeracy.

Members can register for meetings in their regions by clicking here.  SRTA members can attend any session that is convenient for them, which may very well include the event at Sturgeon Heights Collegiate in Winnipeg on Wednesday, February 7, or the event in Steinbach on Tuesday, February 20, to be held at the Steinbach Regional Secondary School.

Next up is the official notice of call from MTS in regards to the Society’s AGM:


This notice is given in compliance with Bylaw II of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society.

The 99th Annual General Meeting of the Provincial Council of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society will be held at 9:00 a.m., May 24, 25 and 26, 2018 at the Fairmont Hotel, Winnipeg. The Provincial Council consists of representatives named by teacher associations and Les éducatrices et éducateurs francophones du Manitoba plus the members of the current Provincial Executive. The number of delegates representing each association depends on the number of members in that association.


L’avis de convocation a été envoyé en conformité avec le principe directeur II de la Manitoba Teachers’ Society.

La 99e Asssemblée générale annuelle du Conseil provincial de la Manitoba Teachers’ Society aura lieu à 9 h les 24, 25 and 26 mai 2018 à l’hôtel Fairmont, Winnipeg. Le Conseil provincial est formé des personnes représentantes nommées par les associations locales d’enseignantes et d’enseignants et par les Éducatrices et éducateurs francophones du Manitoba ainsi que des membres de l’Exécutif provincial. Le nombre de personnes déléguées nommées pour représenter une association locale est basé sur le nombre de membres actifs de cette association.

Related to the notice of call is the call for nominations for those seeking to serve on the Provincial Executive of MTS.  Again, from the MTS website:

There are six positions for members at large to be voted on at the Provincial Council (Annual General Meeting) in May.  Nominations must be forwarded to Loretta Carroll, senior executive assistant at MTS, at by 4 pm, March 1, 2018.

Information about elections and nominations can be found in the following documents.

For any other information contact General Secretary Bobbi Taillefer, 204-831-3065,

Currently, there are two SRTA members serving as members-at-large — Sandy Turcotte and Jonathan Waite.  We encourage anyone seeking to be nominated with support from the SRTA to review section B13 of the SRTA Policies and Procedures document, which is available in the SRTA reference binder at each school/workplace.

If you have any questions about any of these news items, please contact SRTA President Jonathan Waite (