Happy Holidays 2017: December Newsletter, Operation Red Nose

As we enter the last few days of the 2017 calendar year, we are happy to let all members know that the December 2017 edition of the SRTA Newsletter is now available in the Newsletters section of this website, on our Scribd page, or by clicking the image in this article. As usual, the print copies have been sent via courier and should have been received at all workplaces/schools. In this edition, we have local and provincial updates, contributions from our amazing SRTA Executive, a number of articles from members who have attended PD events so far this year, information about the Prime Minister’s Excellence in Teaching awards, and our annual holiday message. Thanks to all of you who put in articles and information this time around.

Speaking of holidays, we at the Association wish you all the very best as we head towards the winter break. Our hope is that the next two weeks are full of rest, relaxation, and fun with family and friends. In lieu of sending cards to schools, we have once again donated to local food banks, and this year we have increased our donations to $100 each to the Ile des Chênes Food Bank, Taché Christmas Hampers, and the Accueil Kateri Centre.

The fine folks at the Steinbach/La Broquerie Operation Red Nose crew are looking for volunteers for the upcoming weekend, December 22 and 23.  They operate out of École Saint-Joachim in La Broquerie and the nightly shift starts at 9 pm and ends around 3 am..

If you have never heard of Operation Red Nose, it is an important road safety campaign against impaired driving. During the holiday season Operation Red Nose provides a safe ride home service to motorists who have consumed alcohol or who don’t feel fit to drive. This service is provided entirely by volunteers and is an original way of getting home in one’s own vehicle without getting behind the wheel.

If you are able to volunteer, please call the hotline at 204-424-9555 and leave a message, or email Joanne Vielfaure-Romaniuk at JVielfaure@srsd.ca.  You can also check out their Facebook page for more information.

To you and yours, a very happy holiday and the very best in 2018!