World Teacher Day 2015, the Federal Election, and You
Most of our members in the SRTA will be aware that today is World Teachers’ Day, the annual celebration of teachers and all that we do. And, undoubtedly, they are aware of the federal election which will take place two weeks from today. What you may not be aware of is a significant campaign created by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation called Hear My Voice/VOX. The CTF has made it easy for teachers to share the simple message of “I Teach. I Vote.” with their fellow teachers, friends and community members, and we encourage all of you to visit the CTF website ( to get more information about the campaign.
As an association of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society, who in turn are a proud member of the CTF, we will be actively involved in spreading the word about the VOX campaign, right up until the polls have closed and votes are being counted. Members who are not already following us on social media can do so by visiting our Twitter and Facebook pages and clicking the appropriate links.