MTS PD Workshops 2015-2016

For those already thinking about the upcoming school year and the professional development you want to take part in, may we suggest enrolling in a session or two put on by the Manitoba Teachers’ Society? We received the following email earlier this week:

The Manitoba Teachers’ Society is pleased to offer the attached list of workshops for the 2015-2016 school year. This list also includes Fab Five, the conference for beginning teachers. Detailed descriptions of each workshop and registration links are available on our website at via the “My Profile” member area on the homepage.

Members pursuing the new Certificate in School Leadership are encouraged to refer to our website for information about our Field-Led Course, Professional Perspectives: Personnel Leadership Practices being offered October, 2015 – March, 2016:

Our calendar of professional learning workshops is intended to offer a wide variety of topical issues that impact teaching and leading, with the understanding that interest will dictate confirmation of these workshops. A minimum of 15 confirmed registrants is required three weeks prior to the scheduled date of the workshop, and the fee payment must accompany registration. Workshop registration and payment occurs exclusively online from our website.

If you have any questions about professional learning at The Manitoba Teachers’ Society, please contact Julie McClintock at