MTS Curling Bonspiel 2015

Bonspiel PosterGreat news for all of you skips and sweepers — the 47th Annual Manitoba Teachers’ Society Bonspiel has been formally announced by the Brandon Teachers’ Association, hosts for the event in 2015. The bonspiel will run from February 27 through March 1, and will undoubtedly be an excellent event.

The SRTA was well represented at last year’s event, and we’re hoping that a team or two will be able to put in a good showing in Brandon on our behalf. SRTA members that are interested in putting in a team can contact us to register. SRTA policy states that we will cover the, “[r]egistration costs for one team to participate in the MTS Annual Curling Bonspiel. If more than one team is interested, the cost of one team shall be divided equally.” The deadline for contacting us with your team information is Friday, January 23, 2014.